"Congratulations to Past Governor Jerry Peuler for his election as Kiwanis International Trustee! PG Jerry got Kiwanis in his blood as a Key Clubber just a few short years ago. OK, maybe many years ago. Since then, Jerry dedicated his life to serving his community, the local government, and his country. On a personal note, Jerry was instrumental in building my home club and mentoring us through our early trials. I am excited to have him representing the greatest Kiwanis District in the world on the International Board. Let's all offer him our congratulations and best wishes for a great three years!"
Kick It Out
by Governor Tom Ganse
Last month I mentioned that Kiwanis International President Don Canaday urged us all to "hit the tape at full stride" on September 30th. The analogy he was attempting to share was one of a runner nearing the end of the race. As we all know, that is when the winners "kick it out" or hit their stride. They do not slow down as the finish line draws near.
I took that analogy one step further by likening Kiwanis not to a sprint, but to a relay race. At this point in the year, your successor better be off the block and gaining speed as you near him or her with the baton, and you need to be "kicking it out", especially as these last two months blur by.
Here are some tips to consider if you want to set the stage for your club's success, whether you are a President, Committee Chair, or Designated Go-fer:
- Remember all those great ideas you had on October 1st, 2008? List them and separate them into three groups: Those accomplished and earmarked for celebration, those that you can focus on and complete so your successor doesn't have to, and those that there simply is no way one could reasonably hope to complete.
- That last group of ideas must be dealt with from the perspective of the club's Strategic Plan. If they support the club's plan for the future, start working with your successor to implement paths to completion during his/her year. If they do not support your club's Strategic Plan, toss 'em and don't waste any more of your or your club's resources on them. Your successor deserves a clean slate. (Note: I just know you all have Strategic Plans to guide your club into the future!)
- Identify your supporting role after October 1, 2009. What can you do to finish lingering projects and then engage on your successor's initiatives. You have the potential to be your successor's best resource. Be there.
- Focus. It's not about you. It's about your club and it's about the communities and the children we serve. To quote President John Adams, "Duty is ours, results are God's". Use your gifts, give it your best effort and go to bed with a smile on your face each night.
I'll wrap up this month with an enthusiastic reminder that August is District Convention month, and we have a great time planned for you this year! Convention Chair Charles Marks and his team have done a superb job of giving you every reason to "Stop over in Dover" this August 21st-23rd. This convention features the lowest registration ($25.00) and meal costs ($96.00 for all functions) in recent memory. Even adding the lodging cost makes this one of the most affordable conventions in many years.
Perhaps you could gather from the theme, but recognizing that there is a whole lot of District west of Dover, Charles and Company put together a complete list of things you can do before, during and after the convention, so why not make it a vacation? Please visit the website at www.capitaldistrictkiwanis.org and open the District Convention tab. But unless you plan to sleep on the beach, you better do it fast because we're down to the last couple dozen rooms!
Finally, prepare yourself for some great fun, some excellent training, and some truly inspiring speakers; from Friday night's ice cream social through Saturday's training sessions to Sunday morning's Inspirational Breakfast and closing business session, this convention will send you home feeling proud to belong not only to the world's premier service organization, but to the greatest District!
Thank you, once again, not only for everything you do for Kiwanis, but for everything you do to make your communities better places to live.
With a Kiwanis Servant's Heart
Tom Ganse