Kiwanis Celebrates 64 Years of Service, "The Miracle League" Baseball Field Announced
by Past Governor Bob Cressy and PLG Jim Leder,
Kiwanis Club of Bethesda
The Kiwanis Club of Bethesda, Maryland, held its 64th Annual Charter Night on Friday, February 28th at Tagara Restaurant in Bethesda, its regular Thursday meeting place. The feature of the evening was the formal announcement and presentation our club's association with "The Miracle League" Baseball program for handicapped children. But, more on that in a moment. (Right, attending the 64th Annual Charter Night of the Kiwanis Club of Bethesda is Division 17 PLG Ben Schlesinger, Jane Aylor and Joyce Schlesinger, wife of Ben. They all look lovely, even Ben.)
The evening began with President Jeanne Smith offering the Pledge of Allegiance, then a patriotic song and the Invocation was done. Nice tradition, I think. Our guests were welcomed, with interclubs and visitors from many Divisions 17 and One clubs, plus Immediate Past Governor Art Riley and Vickie from the Westminster Club. (Right, Immediate Past Governor Art Riley and First Lady Vickie grace us with their presence form Division 9 and the Westminster Club as Division 17 did for their Charter Night. Interclubbing is FUN and entertaining, isn't it?) They had a "Time and Talent Auction" where donors offered gifts, get-a-ways, play tickets and most interesting their 'time and talent'. Offers were made for a donor to prepare a home cooked meal for the winners, six people for dinner event at a restaurant, an escorted walking and narration tour for two on the C&O canal followed by an elegant country lunch at a canal side restaurant. Very creative and the funds were donated to the Bethesda Kiwanis Foundation!
"The Miracle League" of Montgomery County, MD
The highlight of the evening was the announcement of the Bethesda Club's leadership in creating a Miracle League baseball diamond for handicapped children. Past Lieutenant Governor Jim Leder gave a presentation with Grace Fielder of G.E. (Right, Part Two: Grace Fielder, who is providing valuable consulting work pro-bono work, PLG Jim Leder and PP Richard Ruprecht, legal counsel and Key Club Advisor. Many others are involved and many more will be.) Fielder & Associates, Chartered, on the program that is now international and began in Georgia. He spoke of "getting hooked on the idea at the Kiwanis International Convention in Montreal four years ago". (See, going to the ICON is inspirational.)
Jim Leder began exploring the idea with the club and the Bethesda Foundation and found a very receptive audience. "Bethesda Kiwanis has embarked on a project originally presented by Kiwanis International at the 2006 Convention in Montreal", says Jim. "We have been negotiating with Montgomery County to build a baseball field for handicapped children." (Right, The Miracle League Team in two parts ... ah, photos. Past Presidents Jim Aylor, Debbie VanHorn, and Jeanne Smith, who is also our current president. Note the fashionable 'Miracle League' shirts. It pays to advertise.)
"Our official title is "The Miracle League of Montgomery County, MD". (Right, "The Miracle League" field taken from their web site with permission. It is rubberized for safety and destined for FUN!) The concept started in Conyers, GA and has grown to 215 fields either built or in process of being established." Jim said our mission statement is to:
- Provide opportunities for Children with Disabilities to play Miracle League baseball regardless of their disabilities.
- Promote community support and sponsorship of Miracle League.
- Promote the construction of special facilities that meet the unique needs of Miracle League players and their families.
- Provide opportunities for children with disabilities to play.
Jim added, "We realize that we cannot change or cure the medical issues life has dealt disabled children. We can provide them with an opportunity to experience the joy and benefits that come with playing our national pastime ... baseball."
The field is rubberized and the bases are even with the surface. The entire field is flat which enables the players to move about the bases on crutches, in a wheelchair or walkers without interference. Often 'buddies' will help the players navigate the field.
The only area field at this time is in Richmond, VA. We are attempting to be the first in Maryland. This project is estimated to cost $750,000 or more, however most of the fields across the country cost less because of companies, corporations and individuals providing substantial pro-bono support. There is a tentative site selected however it still can't be announced pending final Montgomery County approval, but it should be soon.
We would appreciate hearing from anyone who would like to help with this project. There are over 17,000 children that we could help and support in Montgomery County alone. We will need every manner of support including charitable cash contributions. We would especially like to hear from parents with handicapped children who may want to volunteer to serve on the operating board. We encourage all people to become involved in this most worthy project.
You can contact Jim at a special email address: . A web site will be available soon.
Right, Past Governor John Tyner of the Rockville Club introduces a former Rockville Kiwanian and now a new member of the Bethesda Club, Ken King. Welcome Ken!
Bethesda's Charter Night was a wonderful social event. The commitment to such a very significant and meaningful Kiwanis mission of "changing our community one child and one community at a time" will take another major step forward. The club welcomes your interest and help also at