Club Recognizes Outstanding Students
by Sandra Hughes
Westminster Kiwanis Club met at the Wakefield
Golf and Conference Center on February 3,
2009. Eight outstanding students from Westminster
High School and Winters Mill High Schools
were honored for scholastic achievements
and community participation.
From Westminster three students are:
- Tobias Franzen, a senior representing the Theatre Department. Toby has been in all shows during his High School years. He acts, directs and helps with all aspects of the Theatre and is active in the Theatre on the Hill at McDaniel College during then summer.
- Jamie Divizio, for her part in Visual and Performing Arts, she is a soloist in the All State Chorus, Select Choir and Choral groups in High School. She will attend Muhlenberg College.
- Renee Anders for Business Classes. She is a Girl Scout volunteer and is in the top 3% of her class.. Renee will attend the University of Maryland to obtain an accounting degree.
From Winters Mill High School are five students:
- Lauren Crocetti represents the Social Studies Department. Lauren is a Junior and is taking advanced courses in History and plans to attend Johns Hopkins to pursue a Medical Doctors degree.
- Emma Malone is from the Art Department, she is a member of the National Honor Society, National Art Society and is the winner of many Art awards.
- Mariah Miller, from the Health, Human and Social Studies Academy and plans on becoming a English teacher.
- Scott Ey, represents the Business Department. Scott is school President of the Future Farmers of America.
- John Hockensmith from the Special Education Department, attends the Career and Technology Center studying Mechanical Engineering. John is a member of the school Wrestling team.
- Many parents and teachers from both schools attended the dinner and event.. Teachers introduced and made statements on their students concerning accomplishments.
Picture: Left to right, From Westminster High School are Tobias Franzen, Jamie Divizio, Renee Anders. Winters Mill High School , Lauren Crocetti, Emma Malone, Mariah Miller, Scott Ey and John Hockensmith.