Club Inter-Club Standings (October to January)
by Jackie Lowe, Chair, Inter-club relations
Far East Washington 8
2 Roanoke 4
4 North Central Richmond 39
5 Harrisonburg 6
9 Greater Westminster 9
10 Manassas 5
11 Seaford 13
12 Towson-Timonium 7
13 Warwick 11
14 Prince Georges County 7
15 Ocean Pines 7
16 Virginia Beach 12
17 Potomac 17
18 Chester 6
19 Winchester 18
20 Arlington 23
21 Franklin 8
22 Waldorf 12
23 Williamsburg 9
A reminder to the clubs that the Capital District Interclub Contest Award will be rewarded from the online monthly report. The award will be presented to the club with the most inter-clubs in each Region. The numbers above are how many inter-clubs that have been reported on the monthly online report (October - January) by division.