Vernon Club Celeberates K-Kids
by Bruce Malkin
Liz Brodie, President of the Kiwanis K-Kids Club at Stratford Landing Elementary School (SLES), was the Guest Speaker at its sponsoring organization, the Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club (MVKC), at a dinner meeting on Wednesday, February 4 at the Mount Vernon Country Club. Liz is a 4th grader and 10 years old, but already shows the excellent character encouraged by Kiwanis Clubs throughout the world. Her presentation on her Club's activities and projects was very well received, after which she fielded questions from the assembled Kiwanians. Paul Mehler, Past President of the Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club, followed her presentation with a PowerPoint show about K-Kids in general and the Club at Stratford Landing Elementary School in particular. Current MVKC President, Bruce Malkin, presented Liz with the much-coveted MVKC cap as a special award for her talented speaking engagement. Pictured left Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club President Bruce Malkin congratulating Stratford Landing Elementary School K-Kids Club President Liz Brodie after her entertaining presentation to the MVKC members after dinner. Pictured right (l to r) Bruce Malkin, MVKC President, Paul Mehler, MVKC Past President and Club Adviser to the SLES K-Kids Club, Laurie Schriner, a Faculty Adviser to the SLES K-Kids Club, Liz and her parents, Jeff and Amy Brodie, at the end of the evening's festivities.