Center Kiwanis
by Nancy Pindur
Town Center Kiwanis Club remains busy, as
usual. We began having our socials again
to repay area restaurants that sponsored
our "Taste of Town Center" and race. This month we gathered at P.F. Chang's where 26 of us dined and enjoyed
an evening together, thanks to the coordinator,
Wayne Foshay..
Several members participated in Kiwanis Day
and Night at the Dockside Restaurant in Virginia
Beach on February 24th.with the encouragement
of our President, Rick Page. Proceeds from
the meals went towards Kiwanis charities.
Several other members attended the Circle
K New Member Induction Ceremony at Virginia
Wesleyan Campus.
Our plans have firmed in regards to our May 20th Golf Tournament--newly named the Myera Oberndorf Golf Classic, after our retired Mayor. Tom Balen has been working hard to make this our best tournament ever.
Our annual membership drive will be highlighted by our "State of Town Center" meeting. The drive will last 60 days with 4 teams within our club competing for points by bringing prospective members to lunch and hopefully getting them to fill out a membership application. The team with the most points earned will be treated to a lobster dinner at Jerry Collier's Freemason Abbey restaurant.
Several members will be attending the Mid Winter Kiwanis Conference st Old Dominion University on March 7th. There is never a dull moment with Town Center Kiwanians.